Singapore! ISMRM 2024

Growing up in southern China, Singapore has always been one of the most popular travel destinations. With the latest Sino-Singapore visa-exemption programme, Chinese MRI researchers like me can travel easily, unlike in Toronto last year. Or it will become worse in 2025?!

Interestingly enough, I was arranged to use a traditional poster section rather than a digital one, while most posters are digital in ISMRM. I almost have no visitors during my presentation section. To be fair, the traditional (paper) posters were hung during the entire conference period, while the digital posters were displayed only with the presenters.

This year, I presented a poster about automated post-processing of the T1ρ knee MRI. It was a simple project that applied nnU-Net to build segmentation masks on T1ρ knee MRI and used a modified version of the CartiMorph tool to generate subregions within the segmentation masks. Since my full paper has been rejected twice, I posted it to arXiv ( Please check it out if you are interested in it.





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